November 25, 2023

Unveiling Innovation: INOA's Showcase at Atech Fuari, Istanbul

PUBLished by:
Hüseyin Yildiz
Founder & CEO of INOA group

Citex.AI, the cutting-edge urban planning studio, is set to make waves on the global stage as it unveils its revolutionary concept for the first time at the ATech Expo in Istanbul.

INOA is excited to announce its participation at the Atech Fuari in Istanbul, Turkey, where we will be presenting a host of pioneering projects. Join us at Stand No. F6 in Hall 10 to explore the innovative solutions that are shaping the future landscape of our brands.

A Diverse Portfolio of Projects

At Atech Fuari, we will be showcasing a variety of projects that demonstrate our commitment to excellence. From VeriChecks and CITEX to Expociety®, QRIPTOS®, Monvy®, ONPROAD®, InfrAI®, BAD, CleanVision, Smooq, and Tawq — our dedicated team will provide insights into each, offering a glimpse into the transformative power of our services.

Meet the Minds Behind INOA

Our devoted team, comprised of Hüseyin Yildiz, Patrick Smit, Martijn Roefs, Donny Tyrone Beltgens, Noura Fellah-Boulaïch, Alexander Koselka, Mago Tsanaev, and Ishmail, will be on hand to guide you through the intricacies of our projects. Get ready to delve into discussions that go beyond services; these are pathways to excellence, showcasing the strategic branding, cutting-edge design, and development capabilities that define INOA.

A-Tech Fuarı: Where Innovation Takes Center Stage

We invite you to visit Stand No. F6 to witness the action unfold. Whether you're interested in urban planning, financial management, cutting-edge technology, or strategic branding, our showcase at Atech Fuari promises a journey through the possibilities that INOA brings to the table.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

Let's make the most of our A-Tech Fuarı experience together! Connect with our team, engage in insightful conversations, and explore how INOA is not just providing services but crafting pathways to excellence. We look forward to sharing our vision and innovations with you at Atech Fuari in Istanbul.


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