December 2, 2023

Citex.AI Makes Grand Debut at ATech Expo in Istanbul!

PUBLished by:
Hüseyin Yildiz
Founder & CEO of INOA group

Citex.AI, the cutting-edge urban planning studio, is set to make waves on the global stage as it unveils its revolutionary concept for the first time at the ATech Expo in Istanbul.

Citex.AI is at the forefront of transforming urban planning through an innovative fusion of 3D city planning and AI-driven data streams. Our revolutionary concept represents a groundbreaking leap towards reshaping the future of urban planning.

City Behaviour mapped

At the heart of Citex.AI's mission lies the ambition to set a new standard in urban planning. We achieve this by seamlessly integrating AI with real-time data and our advanced solution called Urban Cognitive Dynamics.

This sophisticated integration spans a diverse array of data sources, including building data, population statistics, non-conformity reports, ongoing building projects, traffic patterns, and weather data. The resulting convergence of technology holds the promise of redefining how cities are not only conceptualized but developed and managed.

"We are thrilled to announce our debut at the ATech Expo in Istanbul," said Hüseyin Yildiz. "Our vision is to create smarter, more sustainable cities, and Istanbul, with its vibrant and dynamic atmosphere at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, provides the perfect backdrop for our global introduction. We believe the diverse and forward-thinking audience at the ATech Expo shares our passion for the future of urban planning."

We understand the importance of collaboration and the exchange of ideas in shaping the cities of tomorrow," added Hüseyin Yildiz. "Join us at Stand No. F6 until the 26th of November 2023 to experience the future of urban planning firsthand."

For more information please contact:

Martijn Roefs


Phone: +31657564847

About Citex.AI

Citex.AI is part of INOA, a consortium that also includes companies like Monvy® ONPROAD®, Debiteurnet, Expociety®, InfrAI, Qriptos® and VeryChecks.

Citex.AI is the cutting-edge solution for comprehensive urban planning, seamlessly integrating 3D city planning with AI-driven data streams for innovative and efficient city development strategies.


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